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Is F1 coming to Calcutta ?
16th Mar 2001 The Government of West Bengal has recently forwarded a letter to the promoters of the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Calcutta, expressing the State Government's commitment to holding the event in Calcutta.
10th Jan 2001 Anwer Saleem, Director, Grand Prix India plc, returned to London from Calcutta today after a successful visit to the city in connection with the proposed Formula 1 Grand Prix of India in Calcutta. He carried with him the State Government's response to the project report on the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Calcutta. He is expected to be back in Calcutta, to take the project forward, by the end of the month.
9th Jan 2001 The West Bengal Government today forwarded it's response to the project report submitted by Grand Prix India plc.
27th Dec 2001 Anwer Saleem, Director, Grand Prix India plc, has arrived in Calcutta for his weeding anniwersary, the celebrations of which are going to be held at the ball room of the Oberoi Grand.During his stay he is scheduled to have a series of meetings in the Writer's building in connection with the Formula 1 Grand Prix. 
26th Dec 2000 Anwer Saleem, Promoter of Grand Prix India arrived in Calcutta today for final negotiation with the West Bengal Government.
1st Dec 2000 Anwer Saleem, Director, Grand Prix India plc, was interviewed for the local news on TV and it was broadcast on 30th November on Khobor Ekhon ( The Latest News) in a total of 4 broadcasts on that day in Calcutta. It will be broadcast again on the weekly news roundup on Sunday night, 3rd Dec, in Calcutta at 9:30 pm and 10pm.
30th Nov 2000 The Project Report for the F1 GP in Calcutta was submitted to the West Bengal Govt. on Monday 29th November by Mr. Anwer Saleem. A decision on the project is expected within the next few weeks.
October 2000
What's your name & how old are you ?
Cyrus Colah & I'm 26.
Where are you from ?
I'm from Calcutta.
What do you do ?
I run my own garage called ‘Autocare'. I'm also in the wholesale & liquor business.
How many times a week do you disco ?
About thrice a week.
Is it Formula 1 evening that got you here today ?
Definitely. I'm going to be here every time CMSC ( Calcutta Motor Sports Club ) has something like this on & I'm looking forward to the next one on the 24th. Ravi Kumar ( President, CMSC ) is doing a great job & if I can support him & party at the same time ….. THAT'S LIFE !!!! You know - they are trying to bring Formula 1 to Calcutta. Isn't that something ?
What's the event on the 24th all about ?
The Grand Prix live from Indianapolis. Fast cars, big screen, pretty girls, a drink in my hand … tell me- can life get any better ?
If you had to choose between a chance to drive a Ferrari and a date with your favourite pin-up girl, which would it be ?
The Ferrari ! That way I can pick up another girl on the road !!!
Any one Indian face ?
Madhuri Dixit. I've seen her & she's great.
What kind of music do you like ?
Trance. But I don't mind tolerating the other music as well. You know the type oldies thrive on - 70s, 80s !!
What would you do if someone made a pass at you ?
Wow !! Do these things happen in real life ?? I would ‘pass' out !!
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