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The Formula1 Arcade
Calcutta's Formula 1 Scene


Is F1 coming to Calcutta ?
27th August, 10th & 24th September 2000 The CMSC and The Anticlock nightclub at the Hotel Hindustan International host three events showcasing three F1 GPs live on the big screen. The shows receive widespread coverage in the press and on TV. The Asian Age newspaper gives front page coverage, in all its editions published worldwide, to one of these events
August 2000 One of the promoters of Formula 1 in Calcutta, Michael Taub, returned in the month of August to London from a holiday in Spain with F1 boss Bernie Ecclestone. No prizes for guessing what they talked about.
July 2000 The Financial Times newspaper in London had published a news item announcing the Formula 1 Grand Prix proposed to be held in Calcutta, India. The Financial Times is England's most revered financial newspaper.
31st March to 7th April 2000 The CMSC Chairman visits London to meet the promoters of F1 in Calcutta and discuss progress on the F1 project report. The solution to the hotel rooms problem in Calcutta is also proposed and found acceptable i.e. bring cruise ships up the Hooghly river to Calcutta Port for use as temporary hotels.
27th March 2000 The F1 GP of Brazil was shown live on the big screens at The Taj Bengal's Incognito nightclub to a large audience of discerning viewers. Hosted by the CMSC and the Taj Bengal, the party continued late into the night.
10th March 2000 A seminar on Tourism in the Eastern Region was held by the Indo American Chamber of Commerce at The Taj Bengal. The seminar was inaugurated by the Minister for Tourism, Govt. of West Bengal, the hon'ble Manabendra Mukherjee, who stated that Formula One was the State Government's "Golden Project". The main presentation, made by the CMSC's Vice President, Kapil Kaul, was on the benefits of the Formula One Grand Prix to tourism in the Eastern Region. The Secretary of Sports, Govt.of West Bengal, Mr. Sumantra Chowdhury, spoke at length and gave an account of how the project had been attracted to Calcutta instead of any other major Indian city. 
13th to 18th October 1999 
The CMSC Chairman and his wife are hosted by Tilke Engineering at the First Formula 1 Grand Prix of Malaysia. Tilke Engineering did the engineering design and architecture of the F1 track and facilities there.
18th Sept 1999  The CMSC hosts a welcome dinner for the promoters of F1 in Calcutta, Michael Taub and Anwer Saleem of Grand Prix India plc, and the architects of the F1 track in Calcutta, Peter Wahl and Ulrich Merres, from Tilke Engineering in Germany. 
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